We are so excited that spring has finally arrived. If the weather is even half-way decent, the girls are itching to go outside. The other day they had a ball playing in the rain. After all, what are raincoats for if you can't go outside in the rain?

The girls really are great friends and love to play together. Erin cannot stand it when she wakes up and Emma is still asleep. I have found her on Emma's bed trying to wake her up numerous times.

Emma is growing up so fast. She surprises us everyday with the new things she says. Most of the time when we sit down to dinner, she acts so surprised and says, "Did you make this, Mom?" and then she says, "You are a good cook!" The other day, she loaded up her little cart and headed out her door and said, "I better go before I get back." She is our little comedian.

Erin is quickly becoming a little girl instead of a baby. She can count to 13 and is trying to sing the ABCs. The tune is correct but the letters have a little ways to go. In the last few weeks, her speech has really taken off. She is putting several words together to make sentences and short stories.

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Pittsburgh with Bryan's biology class to visit the zoo and the conservatory. The girls had a ball! Emma makes a pretty good meerkat.

Show offs!

At home, we are staying pretty busy too. The girls love to help me do anything in the kitchen. They really are becoming good helpers. They like to help set the table and Emma even likes to wash the dishes.

The girls love to make things. We save all kinds of boxes and bottles to make anything we can think up.

Kites, Kites, Kites. Daddy made us a kite and we have had a blast flying it. The girls have loved to read about and talk about kites, so it has been fun to see them actually get to fly one.

Another kite day.

Puddles can keep us occupied for a very long time. I love playing with these girls. My days have continued to get busier and more fun since they were born.

I can't wait to see what other things we are going to do this spring and summer. I will try to keep you updated and involved. Enjoy your springtime.