Monday, October 26, 2009

Puppies and one year olds

What a happy girl! We just can't believe how much she smiles at us. Erin is already focusing on toys. She just sits in her swing and watches the toys.
O.K. Now for the topic of the day: Puppies and One year olds. I am constantly amazed at the similarities between these two as I walk through my house and find trails that can inevitably lead me to my one year old, Emma. Like a small puppy, her curiosity leads her to riffle through whatever is close at hand.

Many times I have come upon a perfectly filled bag to be completely emptied and the contents to be dragged throughout the house.
They both also have to be trained. Although puppies never learn to use a spoon, they have to learn where the food is and who provides it. Once they learn this, they will always be begging at your knees for whatever you will a one year old. I cannot enjoy a cookie without a little girl needing a bite for herself.
Also, whenever an easier way is found...take it. Others similarities I have thought of include:
-To be easily controlled, they should both be kept on a leash.
-You don't seem to know how, but they often wind up under the covers in your bed inching you off the side.
-Their energy always seems to surpass yours.
-They work for praise. A little hand clapping and "Good Girl" go a long way.
-They both require constant and uninterrupted attention.
-Twenty times a day at least, I want to say "Sit, Stay."
-Good furniture and carpet will always be ruined.
Lastly, that cute little face can get you every time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My busy girl and her new playtoy, Erin

Checking each other out. Emma has just stolen the tag for Erin's 8 week picture. I think you can see a little fear in Erin's eyes. Emma loves her sister and hovers over her constantly. She gets so excited and rough that poor Erin has several claw marks on her face...battle wounds that come with living with a toddler. If she survives this year, she should win a medal of honor or purple heart or something.

Our busy girl finds herself in the middle of just about everything. She brings joy to our hearts and pick-up in our step as we chase after her.

She loves "helping" with the laundry and wearing my hose around her neck. I suspect she just might be the comedian of the family. She loves being the star of the show, probably because she knows she already is.

Want an idea for Christmas? Emma loves the Q-tips. I guess this is what safety latches are for. Left alone for 2 seconds, she can make quite a mess.

Trying to be a big girl already. This picture kinda makes me sad because one day, all too soon, she will be able to fit into that coat.

Here is some more antics with the laundry, wearing Daddy's CLEAN underwear on her neck. She walked around like this for a long time. She knows she is funny!
She keeps me entertained and on my toes!

Lovely lady Erin does not allow herself to be overlooked. She stops us all dead in our tracks with those beautiful smiles.

Emma just can't wait to play with her because she already knows she will be fun. I can't wait til they are running around together...maybe I will lose some weight chasing them.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New House

Here's some pictures of our new house. We moved in August to Ona, WV. We are blessed to live on an old 1820s farm surrounded by 100 acres. There is an old slave cabin you can see in the picture below and a cemetery with gravestones dating back to the 1700's . I love this swing in the picture above.
Here is our house (the white one). We are so happy to have such a beautiful place with the conveniences of town. We are two minutes from the mall, Sonic, Wal-mart, and Chick-Fil-A. What more could anyone want?

This is the driveway coming onto the property. That house is the owners, but they are only here once a year. We almost daily see deer, turkeys, and rabbits. The fall leaves stunned us as we turned into our driveway on Sunday afternoon.
Daddy with his two pretty girls.
Emma is all over the place now and doing so much. Here she is taking on the pumpkin. I think the pumpkin won, he still stands firm on the porch unmoved.
Erin is a lovely girl. She melts our hearts when she smiles at us.
Our annual trip to the corn maze.
This is Emma's response to the question "Are you cute?" She is such a ham. She is learning so fast. Just this week she has learned to sign bath, more, and book.
Gotta love her! We had another good sleep night last night. Please continue to pray that Erin will sleep well at night. It is very hard to take care of a toddler and a baby and keep the house from looking like a disaster when you are walking around like a zombie. I really am enjoying this time and doing well. God gave me such good girls that the job He gave me to do is a blessing. Still...we appreciate and covet your prayers for health and sanity.

Here is a very cute video of Emma dancing to her singing duck. As soon as we press the foot, she has to stand up to dance. It is very cute.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Life with Two

Well, we are back on the internet! Praise the Lord! What an ordeal this has been. I am glad that now I can continue to keep in contact with all of you and let you in on our exciting lives! We now are a family of four and life is more interesting than ever. Two in diapers, one walking..and falling down, and one waking up at all hours of the night.
This is our lovely Erin Elizabeth. We are so happy that she is a part of our family. She turned 6 weeks old this past Monday. She is a good natured little girl that loves to eat constantly. She is learning to be brave as a result of having a toddler for a sister.

Emma loves the baby and as of today has only bit her twice, but continues to steal her pacifier. This baby may never take a pacifier because once she gets some suction going, Emma comes along and yanks it out!

What a pair! My life will never be the same again! I feel many days like I am the juggling act at a circus. One cries and needs attention then the other starts in. One gets a dirty diaper then the other one is dirty. Erin needs fed, Emma needs breakfast, Erin needs fed, Emma needs lunch, and so on. Emma takes a nap, Erin is awake. I consider my day a success when I get to take a shower!
Typical picture. Main objective of day: Keep Emma from killing her sister and herself! Well, I think Emma is in the bathroom, so I better go. I will be keeping you all updated more often. Thanks for being patient with us.