Last week as I stared out at the ocean stretching farther than I could see, I was amazed at God's creativity and love for us that He would give us such a beautiful and majestic expression of His glory and goodness. However, when I am at home playing with my girls or singing to a sleeping child I am filled with the same wonder.

My heart overflows with thankfulness to a God that would enrich my life with the fun and the challenges of raising two such beautiful expressions of God's creativeness and love.

This week we had the opportunity to visit some family and have had a great time. I am so thankful for family that loves and supports us.

The girls have new and fun experiences all the time. I am grateful that God has filled our lives with fun memories. My days are full of laughter as I watch the girls explore and try to figure out the world around them. Just the other day, Bryan and I were saying that we had two girls just so they could chase each other around the house.

Sweet moments...I couldn't take enough pictures to capture the sweet moments that fill my days!

I would be lying if I said that every time I saw their curiosity displayed, my heart leaped for joy. I have realized how much I grunt or groan in frustration now that I hear Emma making the same noise in frustration. However, I am glad that God gave them curious minds and able bodies that allow them to explore and discover things even though it may cause extra work or momentary frustration. God gives me every bit of energy I need in order to do the job He has given me to do.

Thank you God for sacrificing your one and only Son to bring joy to my life! I am most thankful for my Savior who gave His life in place of mine so that I can experience the blessings of God that this sinful child doesn't deserve.