WE LOVE FALL!!!! Mommy says this is her favorite time of year and now I understand why! There are so many fun things about fall. Erin and I have really had fun playing in the leaves. Mommy piles up all the leaves and says it is o.k. for us to run and jump and sit in them. It took us a while to get used to it, but now we understand why Mommy likes to sit and play in the leaves so much.

There are so many of them!

My favorite part is eating the pears that fall off of our tree. I am sad that they are almost all gone. I like to hunt for the perfect pear and sit outside and nibble until the bees drive me back inside.

Erin likes the pears too. I am teaching her to do everything I do; she can even say "mine." See, I am a very good teacher.

We also looooove to swing. Mommy and Daddy really need to get another swing so we don't have to share so much, but we are learning to be good sharers. Mommy sets the timer when we get in and when the timer goes off, we know it is time to switch.

See, I told you, Erin likes it too....a bunch. That is something else I guess I taught her.

The thing I like the best won't even go away when winter comes. The leaves are nice, the pears are yummy, the swing is fun, but my absolute favorite is my sister, Erin. She is always there. She laughs at all my jokes, even when Mommy and Daddy don't get them. She even makes me laugh when things get a little boring.

The wagon is so much more fun with two!

Who would I talk to if she weren't here? Mommy says I like to boss, but Erin knows I am just encouraging!

We share lots of stories. She is a really good listener, and becoming a better talker. Like I said, I am a good teacher.

Singing is always fun. Mommy teaches us all kinds of songs. We like "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider" and "The wise man built his house upon a rock." Mommy's not a bad teacher either, I guess. We also like to make things together when we have to stay in the house. We play with noodles, toilet paper tubes, boxes, finger paint, and anything else Mommy can think of.

Adventures are more fun with someone to share them with. Fall is great, but any season will be perfect with my sister! Oh, she feels the same way, too!