Hey there, everyone! This is Emma. Mommy has been really busy chasing and playing with me and Erin. She says she is sorry, but dishes and laundry have to be done before the blog. Anyway, she is still busy, so I decided to take over. I am good at doing that. So.....I don't really know where to start because it has been so long. Oh, I know! I am 2 whole years old now and Erin is one. She is getting big, but I am bigger! We had a big parpy, oh I mean, party. Lots of family came and we had so much fun. We were going to roast hotdogs and play outside, but the rain kept chasing us inside. Anyway, I had so much fun that it is still my favorite thing to talk about.

Erin and I are so big now that we got our own chairs. Look how grown up we look.

Thanks to my Grammy, we had a great Curious George cake. It looked so cool and tasted even better. Erin made a big mess, but I only made a little mess.

We had lots of presents and had fun opening them all. Mommy had to help a lot because we kept getting distracted, but, hey, that's what little kids do, right?

See, I told you Erin made a big mess. I think this picture says she has had enough cake!

See, and look how big I am being eating my cake like a two year old girl!

My grandpa and Aunt Valerie got me this cool car for my birthday and Papaw was pushing me. I like it a lot. I like to pretend I am going to the store and buying milk and cheese and crackers.

Here we are with Aunt Lucinda and Aunt Beth. I told you we had a lot of people at my party. I am so thankful that so many people love me and think I am so special. Oh, they think Erin is special too. That's ok, we can both be special at the same time.

Erin liked the tunnel on our princess tent a lot except she kept forgetting to crawl, which is what you are supposed to do. I know that because I am two and now I know lots of things that I didn't know when I was one. I am trying to help Erin learn too. Mommy says I am being bossy, but I am just telling Erin what she doesn't know and showing her how to do things my way, I mean the right way.

She may not know as much as I do, but she sure is cute. I also think she is the best friend I have.Erin always laughs at me even when Mommy and Daddy don't get my jokes. She can run and jump and wrestle with me. Well, I think she can wrestle. Mommy doesn't think it is a great idea, but it sure is fun!

Some people even say I am cute too. What do you think? I really like this pink hat. It is my favorite to play with.

A new friend of mine let me play with her dress-up clothes and that was a blast! How come we don't dress like this everyday? I think Mommy would look great in a skirt like this.

Well, just wanted to give you a little update! We are having fun as always. Maybe we will slow down some so that Mommy can update you more. But even though she is busy, I think she is having fun too. We hope your lives are fun and exciting too! Have a wonderful week!