As you can see, Emma is finding the joy of playing ("ae, ae" a word she says every time we go anywhere) especially with other children. She is becoming quite the little character. Erin is developing her own sweet personality as well. She loves Emma and cracks up at her on a daily basis. Emma is her constant source of entertainment. Oh, wait a minute! Erin, get that paper out of your mouth! Yucky! Emma: "ucky, ucky. Momma, craka, cheese, and craka, eeeese." That's very nice of you to say please, but honey we just ate breakfast, give mommy a minute.

Anyway, as I was saying, we have really enjoyed the warm weather with the girls. They got a little swimming pool and we have been in it several times. Erin really likes to sit in it and splash, Emma enjoys getting in and out much more than just staying in. How boring!

One of her times actually in the pool. "Momma, Momma! " Yes, Emma. Mommy is busy. What do you need? "owside, owside." Yes, we will go outside later. Give me another minute. Erin, Erin, be careful, you will fall. Just a minute, please. Ok, I'm back from rescuing a child out of a precarious situation.

OK, where was I? Oh, yes, playing. What more to say? With two little children they keep us moving all the time. I can already say, this summer is going to be a blast!

Who wouldn't have a blast with a cutie like that? Erin laughs at everything and now that she is crawling is getting into everything. It is a full time job keeping her safe from herself, much less a rough big sister.

"Side, Momma, side" Yes, honey, that's a picture of a slide. You like to slide don't you? "es!" We will go out and slide later.

Popsicles!!!! This was the girls first experience with popsicles and they had a blast. It was a little cold for Erin, but that didn't keep her from going back for more.

Miss Independent, did it all by herself. Can you tell? She looks like she has been in battle.

"Sercize, Momma, sercize. " OK, Emma, we will excersize. I know how much you love it. Well, I hope that let you in a little of our world, but I am needed and so I must bid say bye, bye,um I mean goodbye. Have a wonderful summer. I hope you have as much fun as we do!