Our snow family came to visit today. The visit went pretty well although we thought them a little cold. (Ha, ha)

Our real family is actually pretty warm towards each other. Emma and Erin are becoming quite the pals.

Emma loves to play with the pots and pans. You cannot walk through the kitchen or living room, as a matter of fact, without stepping on a pan or ladle or whisk that Emma has dragged out.

It is amazing how one child can have so many cute faces. Hence, the title of the blog. We had fun with hats the other day. I think this face says, "I may one day be very sophisticated, enjoy the pots and pans now."

This face is telling me, "Hats are fun, but, really, Mom, it's not Easter yet."

"Anyone see any rain?"

Peek-a-boo, sweet girl! Erin is playing with toys more and more. She is developing quite a sweet personality.

"Hi, there, Mommy! I love you! Where have you been all this time? Will you play with me? Now?"

"Cereal! Oh, how much fun is this! I think I like this eating thing. It sure is messy!"