With two girls there is never a dull moment. Emma is constantly busy and I am forever toting Erin on my hip. Needless to say, everything lying around the house becomes a toy...example: Daddy's hat.

Yesterday was Bryan's birthday. I actually got Emma to sit and color on a sign for him for a while. She had a good time. This is really the first time she has been interested in crayons.

We finally had a pretty day the other day, so we took the opportunity to go out and take a walk. We tried out Emma's new wagon. She loved it, even though she ended the walk on her Daddy's shoulders as he pulled an empty wagon.

Emma loves to "play" with Erin. I always have pictures of them together in this chair because whenever I lay Erin in the chair, Emma wants up with her sister. Here she decided that Erin would be best used as an armrest.

I love this picture. They sure are sweet. Erin probably has her hand up protecting her pacifier and Emma's hand is up ready to take the chance at a swipe when we all let down our guard.

Look at that face! Her hand in her mouth, of course. She likes to chew on her fingers or her whole fist, whatever fits at the moment.

Erin has discovered her feet. She is at the point where she is doing something new everyday. She likes to play with her feet and she rolls over very well. She grabs at everything close by and is starting to play with her toys.

Erin's turn playing with Daddy's hat. I think she is wondering what in the world we are doing. That expression is priceless.

Here is another funny expression. We are going on the walk with Emma and Daddy. She is strapped on me with this new sling I got. Bryan thinks it looks like she is wrapped up in a bathrobe.

We all had to get in on wishing Daddy happy birthday. Life is never dull, but I am trying to enjoy these days when they are not both walking around destroying the house!