I'm taking this rare and quiet moment while both girls are peacefully sleeping to let you in on some of the fun we have been having around here. This being Emma's first Christmas where she really knows what's going on, we are having a lot of fun with new experiences. Last week at church, we helped bake cookies to give to our neighbors. Emma really enjoyed the cookie dough, as you can see.

She helped stir. She always wants to be right in the middle of everything. So...we let her and she had a blast!

We decorated the tree this week and Emma undecorated it for us. I wonder what is going through her head about having a tree inside the house. She leaves it alone for the most part, but manages to pull about one ornament off a day.

She did manage to find the candy canes and had quite a yummy time. We came to truly understand what it means to take candy from a baby. Not a very fun experience.

We had our first decent snow and we bundled the little bundle of joy up and let her explore. She didn't quite know what to think. She just stood in one place and looked around, probably trying to figure out where all that white stuff came from.

Here is Miss Thing helping Daddy pick out a pretty tree. She is quite the Daddy's helper.

Here is Miss Erin at 15 weeks. She is such a sweet baby. I can't believe God has allowed me to have two such good natured babies. Thank you, Lord. He knows what I can and cannot handle.

Erin is really getting into this book, or maybe it's just the position she is stuck down in that chair. She is mostly very content when we are holding her. She just wants to be a part of what's going on and probably wants to be protected from a certain wandering one year old I know.

This is late and fuzzy, but here Erin is at 14 weeks old. The girls are such a joy and I am having a very good time being their Mommy.