Well, we are back on the internet! Praise the Lord! What an ordeal this has been. I am glad that now I can continue to keep in contact with all of you and let you in on our exciting lives! We now are a family of four and life is more interesting than ever. Two in diapers, one walking..and falling down, and one waking up at all hours of the night.

This is our lovely Erin Elizabeth. We are so happy that she is a part of our family. She turned 6 weeks old this past Monday. She is a good natured little girl that loves to eat constantly. She is learning to be brave as a result of having a toddler for a sister.

Emma loves the baby and as of today has only bit her twice, but continues to steal her pacifier. This baby may never take a pacifier because once she gets some suction going, Emma comes along and yanks it out!

What a pair! My life will never be the same again! I feel many days like I am the juggling act at a circus. One cries and needs attention then the other starts in. One gets a dirty diaper then the other one is dirty. Erin needs fed, Emma needs breakfast, Erin needs fed, Emma needs lunch, and so on. Emma takes a nap, Erin is awake. I consider my day a success when I get to take a shower!

Typical picture. Main objective of day: Keep Emma from killing her sister and herself! Well, I think Emma is in the bathroom, so I better go. I will be keeping you all updated more often. Thanks for being patient with us.