It's me this time (Emma). I wanted everyone to know what life has been like lately. I am getting bigger and bigger everyday. I think I am already big enough to eat what Mommy is eating and to walk, but I think they may make me wait. We'll see. My Mommy keeps calling me a mess, but I don't understand. They only time I am a big mess is when I eat. But she says it all the time.

Daddy is fun. He likes to do funny things to me all the time. We were at the pond with my Aunt Valerie the other day and he carried me around like this. We both thought it was funny.

They finally let me have some real food! I like to eat my graham crackers all the time. This one was especially good because I got to eat it outside and I didn't have to wear a bib because everyone was being messy.

I get sleepy a lot and just sleep where I land. I really like to sleep with my Daddy. We both were very tired.

We got to visit this fancy hotel the other day called the Greenbrier. I didn't care about the hotel, but the outside was really fun. Daddy put me in the tree, but I think one day I may climb one on my own. You can see a lot from up there.

We got to slide....

and swing. It was such a fun day!

O.K. Now I want to let you know some of the things that have been frustrating me. There are all kinds of fun things out there and Mommy and Daddy just won't let me have them. I get paper for a little bit and then all of a sudden, there are hands in my mouth trying to get the paper I put in there. I want the camera, but Mommy won't let me have it. Doesn't she want a picture of herself?

Because I am getting bigger, I have learned to hold my own bottle. So now sometimes they just lay me down to let me eat. I just hope they don't lay me down and forget about me. This growing up is hard to do, I have to learn new things everyday just to keep up.

Here is my new sippy cup and my new highchair. I like them both. I may get frustrated sometimes, but I really like this growing up thing. I am working on standing up and crawling right now. I also like to talk. Mommy writes for me now, but pretty soon I will be doing my own writing...you just wait and see!