My very many apologies for those of you who have checked the blog often hoping to see pictures. Technical difficulties have been plaguing me for a few weeks now. For some strange unexplained reason the computer that I usually use for the blog will not give me the toolbar needed to download pictures. So....I have found one that works. Emma is getting close to 6 months now and is showing more and more personality. She still proves to be one of the best and cutest babies I have ever seen (I know I may be biased). She makes sute noises that amuse me everyday and is starting to really manipulate and play with her toys, which is very fun to watch. Her Johnny Jump-up is her favorite thing to play in right now. She just swings around and bounces. She is working really hard on sitting up and can sit up pretty well leaning against the Boppy. She loves to watch us sing to her and really enjoys peek-a-boo. This sounds a little like a personal ad for babies, but she just makes me so happy to see her do new things everyday and I like to share. So thanks for endulging me.