Well, we had a great first Christmas with Emma. Lots of Bryan's family came in and we enjoyed the food and fun together. Although we were very excited to have Emma among the holiday gathering, being 4 months old, she wasn't able appreciate all the excited of Christmas yet. However we had a good time and below is a list of the things that Emma did at Christmas time.
- Lay under the tree and talked to the lights and the shiny ornaments
- Gagged at sweet potatoes and squash (We feed babies what we would never eat on our own, and I think she is catching on.) She enjoyed licking my fingers and tasting the real potatoes and gravy.
- Stared at her cousin Laney and dreamed about a time when she can get up and walk around
- Wore a really pretty, glittering dress and made lots of people go "AWWWW!"
- The usual: ate, drooled, cried, slept, napped, took at bath
- Smiled at her Mammaw and Pappaw
- Played with her new rattle and blanket
- Tried to sit in her bouncer, but she is just a little too small. Give her a couple more months.
- Amazed her mom and dad with how much she has enriched their lives these past four months. This was my best Christmas, by far, even if Emma never remembers it! I look forward to the many more to come.