Monday, November 24, 2008

My turn now

My momma always gets to say what she wants to on this thing. So now, it is my turn. I think there are a lot of people out there who want to know what I think. I have just learned that this week we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a time to remember what God has done for you and tell Him thank you. My momma already got her turn. I want to tell God that I am thankful for formula. My momma couldn't feed me herself because she was sick, so I thank God that people made formula. I am also very glad that my momma isn't sick anymore. I am thankful that you can turn the flash off of the camera because that light is so bright and my parents take a lot of pictures. See this pretty bedspread I am laying on. It is in my room. Thank you God that I have a nice comfortable room (even if I don't sleep in it yet).
I have just been introduced to this thing called a Snugli. I sit in it and ride around and get to see everything my Daddy is doing. I thank God for a nice Daddy who carries me around with him and sometimes lets me help. I hope everyone has a Daddy like mine.

Thank you God for my wonderful wardrobe. My momma won't let me pick out my own clothes yet, but I am very thankful that they have picked out very pretty clothes. I like this hat especially, it makes me look really cute, don't you think? See that blanket? I thank God that I have blankets that keep me warm.

This is me just hanging out with my parents. I thank God that I have an easy life. Sometime it's hard when I get really hungry or dirty and have to be patient. But most of the time I don't have to worry about anything and that makes it very nice for a girl like me.I thank God for all the family and friends I have that have prayed for me even before I was born and still look on this blog to see how I am doing. Before I was born, the doctors said I might have some problems, but God took care of all of that. I am doing really well, says everyone. Thank you God for loving me and sending Jesus to love me too. I love you.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Heart-bursting Joy

This past Sunday our church had a Thanksgiving service where we all stood up and gave thanks to God for the things He has done in our lives this year. I knew this was coming and had been thinking about it all week, almost with dread. I knew the many things I had to be thankful for and I was positive that when I tried to put those into words, I would crumble in front of everyone. Thank God for a loving and understanding church family.
God knows our hearts before we can even speak our first words. He knows the desires of our hearts when we don't know what we want for dinner. I am amazed at how far God has brought me in the last 10 years. I came to Charleston carrying a backpack and knowing and not even caring I would never find a man to marry and now I walk beside my husband carrying a diaper bag. If given the opportunity, I would not know how I could change my life to be any better than it is now. God has given me the
most beautiful girl on the planet and the kindest husband I could ever imagine. He did all this without me even knowing it was what I wanted! I didn't pray for this. I prayed that God would help me know Him better and love Him better. By knowing the love of a husband and feeling the love for a child I can come one step closer to understanding the love God has for us.
I was blessed with a healthy pregnancy and a tumultuous birthing experience. Emma Grace arrived safely and I became very sick. Praise God He allowed me to get the help I needed and recover quickly. God only knows how many times we come face to face with death and He allows us one more breath. Thank you God! Everytime I see Emma smile, hear her coo, or even change her diaper, I am filled with love I cannot even explain
to you. Being a wife and mother makes my heart sing and I am so grateful to God for blessing me with the opportunity to serve Him by serving my family. Praise God for His indescribable blessings!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmmm

Little philosopher or rapper depending on which neighborhood you are from

This is what happens when Daddy watches Emma.

Admiring the lights in the bedroom (by the way, this is how she wakes up in the mornings)

Taken seconds after the picture above (something did not make her happy)

Emma telling us about her day.

The following is the interpretation of the above video (to the best of our knowledge).

Today, I woke up and felt hungry. So I told Mommy and she thought I wanted my pacifier. So I had to try again, this time she got the message. Sometimes it takes a couple of times for her to understand. She gave me something to eat. She was really sleepy and she wasn't doing a very good job of holding the bottle in my mouth. Once she actually tried to feed my ear! When I finished, she was very happy and we went back to sleep. We woke up again and had to go to Jack and Isabella's house. Mommy helps them and I try to be good and just watch, but sometimes I want her attention too. We always get to watch the Wiggles. I am not sure what I think about them yet. I couldn't wait to come home and see my Daddy. I don't know what he does during the day. I think he just waits for me to come home because he is so excited to see me when I get there. Now we are relaxing at home, one of my favorite things to do. When's dinner?

Monday, November 3, 2008

New this Fall

Emma and I both have frog pajamas. Aren't we cute?

First weekly picture taken sitting up like a big girl.

Playing Cowboys and Indians with Dad

Our decorated trunk for our church's Trunk or Treat. By the way, we won the decorating contest!!!

Emma in her costumes. She wore three to keep warm. She had a cat onesie, a cow costume, and Tigger.

New this fall in a family you love!!! BOBBLEHEAD EMMA!!!!

This wonderful, one-of-a-kind show-stopper sits up on her own while gently bobbing her head back and forth. With her voice recognition ability she can aim those beautiful blue eyes right at the speaker. Placed in any window or lap, she will draw attention from all those passing by or just hangin' around. Emma's vocabulary consists of one monosyllabic grunt with many variations of tone and volume. She comes with an extensive wardrobe giving her the ability to dress differently everyday. However, she will most likely be arrayed in pink from head to toe. Modifications for this latest model include the ability to spit up more than she is fed, fill a diaper within the hour, and enjoy a good warm bath. Bobblehead Emma is sure to bring hours of joy and happiness to any home.