Bundled up for her first servant evangelism outing - giving out drinks at the transit mall with the Elk Valley mission group.
I can't believe it has been seven weeks since we brought this beautiful baby home.We have had seven weeks filled with dirty diapers, spit up, mid-night feedings, late night baths, millions of bottle washings, loads and loads of baby clothes, and one beautiful delightful little girl.We are continually amazed that she is ours . She is starting to respond more to us. We have had glimpses of smiles lately. She is starting to sleep longer also, going down about 11:00 and sleeping til 5:00 or 5:30. We love to just sit around and stare at her. I may not be able to just pick up and leave the house when I want to or be greeted by someone before they coo at Emma first, but the quality of my life has greatly improved with the addition of our wonderful Emma.Our lives will never be the same and we praise God for it.I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the spit-up and dirty diaper filled days I am now living. Emma is our joy and she completes our family perfectly. Thank you God for a beautiful, healthy girl.