Children don't come with instruction books? How am I supposed to know what to do with two children? Here we go anyway!
Emma telling us about her day.
The following is the interpretation of the above video (to the best of our knowledge).
Today, I woke up and felt hungry. So I told Mommy and she thought I wanted my pacifier. So I had to try again, this time she got the message. Sometimes it takes a couple of times for her to understand. She gave me something to eat. She was really sleepy and she wasn't doing a very good job of holding the bottle in my mouth. Once she actually tried to feed my ear! When I finished, she was very happy and we went back to sleep. We woke up again and had to go to Jack and Isabella's house. Mommy helps them and I try to be good and just watch, but sometimes I want her attention too. We always get to watch the Wiggles. I am not sure what I think about them yet. I couldn't wait to come home and see my Daddy. I don't know what he does during the day. I think he just waits for me to come home because he is so excited to see me when I get there. Now we are relaxing at home, one of my favorite things to do. When's dinner?