Sunday, February 16, 2014

Big Britches

Our days are absolutely full of fun and giggles , as you can imagine. A pile of laundry is not even safe around these girls. Before the clothes could be folded and put away, the girls had grabbed our clothes and were role-playing being mom and dad.
Gotta love moments that bring fun to the mundane chores of everyday.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Trumpet lessons

Bryan is beginning trumpet lessons with the girls. They are so excited and love to see Daddy coming with the trumpet. I have to say, the first few lessons have been.., well, um, good. I actually am pretty impressed with the sound the girls have been able to produce. I was a little hesitant when Bryan mentioned starting with the girls because I didn't know if they would be able to make any sound. But, guess what, they can make....sound!

I have actually given it a try also and didn't do to bad, if I do say so myself. Well, that's all for tonight. Keep us in mind as we all begin this new journey with the trumpet. May our ears and patience all endure until the end.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We are back!

I know, I know, it has been forever since I posted on this blog that no one is even checking it anymore. But here goes for starting it back again. We have had no Internet at the house and are schedules have been so busy that posting a blog didn't ever make it into the schedule. But...I now have a device that I can post from. So here's for hoping I can continue to keep everyone updated.

The girls are getting so big. Emma is five and Erin is four. They play so well together and fight just as well. They love princesses and dress up and a week doesn't usually pass without a tea party. Superheroes and dinosaurs are also on their list of favorites. You just never know with these two. Emma is thoughtful and curious. She is constantly saying things that completely catch us off guard. She was singing a song she made up about God and someone asked where she learned it and she responded, "It came from my heart." Erin is sweet and always busy doing and imagining something. She loves to play with her figurines. The other day she was playing and made up a movie. The plot went like this. "The slime monster ate a bunch of people then went to the bathroom. The end." I love to watch them play. They are learning at such lightning speeds that it is hard to keep up. We started homeschool this year and we are ALL learning everyday. Even though, it is not all fun and games, we are trying to enjoy each other and the process of learning. 

Well, thanks for stoping by and giving us another chance at this blog.
Here are just a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Gotta love grandparents! My dad gave the girls these overstuffed monkeys this Thanksgiving. We all made the trip home in our little Prius. 

Fun in the snow!

Family picture. I think the last one we took was when Erin was 10 months old.

Christmas pjs. I made the shirts last year and the pants this year. Don't want to do too much at one time, right?

My first attempt at a quilt. The girls approved.

Emma in her new ballet slippers on Christmas morning.